
Sine Tempore

Created by Ludus Magnus Studio LLC

Sine Tempore is a co-operative game rich in miniatures and materials, featuring custom dice and three-dimensional game elements.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Jail
almost 7 years ago – Thu, May 25, 2017 at 03:59:54 PM


a sentient and unassailable penitentiary, not a theatre of screams and torments, but one of chilling silence. No echoes through the dark, metallic corridors, lit only by its luminous spheres. 

The Blessed Weapon of Pandora are the children she herself transformed in her own likeness and image. Many of them have disappeared, lost in the shadows of ignorance, but they have been redeemed by their pain and suffering. 

After receiving the “matrix” as a gift, lost individuals find their way again, enhancing their perception so as to see beyond reality. This ensures the lady’s chosen few are able to understand the flows of oblivion, even if they are unable to use them to their advantage. 

For the rest of their lives, they will wear a dark uniform symbolising the depths of ignorance into which they had fallen. The luminous weapons they carry with them in their missions shall be the emblem of Pandora’s wisdom. 

I can still remember when the twins arrived, the hate transpired by their gaze was almost tangible, their souls were troubled and their actions instinctive. Now however, after accepting Pandora’s gift, they have become her heralds, her emissaries, her favourite children, Alpha and Omega

The contrast with Pandora’s other agents is clear, they have become her favourites, they walk slowly, they transmit information without even needing to open their mouths. Where others fail, they always succeed. Alpha and Omega are admired and feared by their brothers and sisters, respected above all for their ability to capture, which has reached the peak of perfection, and of course for their lethal beauty. This was made possible thanks to their incredible ability to understand each other, twins that complete each other, following the only memory linking them to their old lives... a mantra which they continue to repeat to this day: “Whatever Alpha starts... Omega finishes”. 

The Blessed Weapons can be played in combination in the place of any hero. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are very strong as a pair, making devastating combined attacks, but very weak if one of the two is out of play. 

Their skills exploit their reciprocal power and attacks are directed towards the same target. Their limit is their shared Action Points. 

Their characteristics are different, but their skills are the same, the result of the hardcore training they do together every day. 

Both have the Grim armor and the Blessed blade, but while Alpha carries his Black Shell with him, Omega makes the most of her Entropic helmet. These two models have a personalised hero card and an entirely new system for playing Sine Tempore.


The next SG will help the crew improve Genesis, new functions will be added to the existing rooms and different areas of the spaceship will be cleaned out to make room for more. 

To give you an example, the nurse will be able to cure more than one wounded character at the same time, and a biological lab has been added. 

In addition, the rooms will all earn a development status. You can use the elements you find on Primaevus V to increase their capacity. The engineering lab will have access to new upgrades for its equipment, the control room will enjoy more tactical functions (for example redrawing an Exploration mission card if desired), access will be granted to the hangars to store new and powerful mech... means. 

This SG will also guide us to the next two. In fact, as you can see from the graphics on the main page, after the improvements to the spaceship, we find the “World Events”. 

These events will influence your campaign in a macroscopic manner, for example, making you lose conquered territories and consequently the resources produced by those territories, or blocking access to certain sections of the spaceship due to devastating crystal storms that may damage them (imagine not being able to use the infirmary between one game and another). There will also be positive events, such as viruses brought by your species, which can debilitate enemy defences, or the hunting ritual, which will prevent the witches from playing certain scenes. 

I can’t reveal the next SG just yet, but know that it will allow you to use a truly big piece of the spaceship.



Guys, say hello to Burp! This homage to Space Tales will offer you a new way of approaching Sine Tempore games! Burp’s skills are in fact all tied to fun situations that are sure to get a smile out of you for some light and fun entertainment. But what would Burp be without his inseparable companion?


There are currently 1500 backers helping us bring this new game to life. I’m sure that with a little word of mouth, even this goal will be reached in no time! Introducing Starbus!

Stay tuned and spread the word!!!

Hunter and prey
almost 7 years ago – Thu, May 25, 2017 at 02:37:04 AM

We’ve reached the battle you’ve all been waiting for. Two enemies that hate each other (truth be told without any real reason... they just do) are about to meet again! The White One and Achab will battle it out in this new Nemesis type exploration mission. The White is a wild Bull-y that nobody has ever been able to tame. 

The Fate (SPOILER?) wanted him to be the first creature confronted by Achab the minute he set foot on Primaevus V. In their first battle, the Captain got the better of the white beast. After inflicting a terrible wound on his eyes, leaving him blind, the beast retired... however not before snapping Achab’s gunblade and unintentionally taking off with one of his preferred boxes of cigars. The White One has now licked his wounds and wants revenge on that little man responsible for his wicked defeat. Having lost his sight, his instinctive nature has taught him to use all his other senses to hunt and capture his victims.  

While we wait for the White One...
While we wait for the White One...

With the new “The white demon” nemesis, you can play this epic battle! Learn to exploit The White One’s weaknesses or be crushed by his fury! Coming to your tables soon!

To conclude this little update, we’d like to satisfy a reappearing request on the message board. Following you’ll find a few shots (we took the photos ourselves so don't be too harsh) of the PVC miniatures we produce. It took us many months of production and revision to reach a truly impressive level of detail for the PVC miniatures and we’re quite proud of the final result. We’d go so far as to say that some pieces can even compete with models created using more “noble” materials. We hope those of you that were worried about the level of detail of the Sine Tempore miniatures will now be reassured.













 And finally...Omega are coming for you...

Blessed Weapon Omega
Blessed Weapon Omega


Stay tuned and spread the word!

almost 7 years ago – Wed, May 24, 2017 at 10:10:24 AM

Faun live for the hunt, the glory, to win over the respect of their own tribe. Primaevus V offers fauns challenges worthy of their abilities as hunters, which is precisely why they made it their hunting reserve.  

Among the terrible creatures living on the planet, there are beasts that manage to instil fear even in the most undaunted hunters. 

The Primaevi call them ThunderTooths.  

Their fur is the colour of the tempestuous blue sky, recalling the electric blue of their pulsing veins, while the bulging bones running up their spine and strong horns have snapped more than a few hunters’ blades and just as many lives. And if you happen to think that their obsidian claws and sharp fangs are the only weapons at the disposal of this terrifying beast, you’re seriously mistaken. 

ThunderTooths are true to their frightening name, thanks to their unique ability to generate terrifying high voltage bolts of electricity.  

“According to an ancient Primaevan, an outcast Hunter once made his way to the ravine of the striking beasts, in an effort to restore his honour. The cave before him was glowing pale blue and pulsing, Krags was an expert hunter and despite being far from his tribe, would never have forgotten how to use a lance. Nothing was ever able to rattle his nerves of steel, except what he saw that day. 

As he continued his descent into the depths of the earth, his sharp ears perceived a constant and muffled cry. And so it was that he reached an enormous grotto, where tens of fauns stood immobile like statues, with weapons in hand, all facing the same direction. 

The cry was coming from the clamped mouths of the paralysed hunters, their eyes moving frenetically as if to warn Krags of the imminent danger. The countless trenches leading to the grotto were swarming with ThunderTooths. 

They were babies, prey for young fauns seeking to become hunters... but where there were babies, there was bound to be a mother. A terrifying roar shook the entire cave, while from a dark tunnel the largest MotherFang Krags had ever seen emerged. Step after step, the enormous beast loomed towards him in a show of force, destroying the hunter’s nerves, who for the first time in his life... ran. 

While Krags ran panic-stricken, the MotherFang opened his jaws and struck the hunter with a bolt of electricity, instantly paralysing him. Krags couldn’t move a single muscle as the ThunderTooths began making their way towards their immobile prey, drooling and famished. The fauns were perfectly conscious, but they would have preferred not to be, to avoid having to watch what was about to happen”.  


About terrain and white whale…
almost 7 years ago – Tue, May 23, 2017 at 10:42:47 PM

Every good captain knows how to exploit the unpredictability of a place, slowly learning the art of never being caught unprepared like a rookie with a sonic rifle!

In both the Exploration and Narrative missions, 2D and 3D elements will get in the way and block the characters’ line of sight. Some of these elements are fixed, while others are casually drawn from the Terrain deck, as explained in the “Mission Card” paragraph in the rulebook.  


Each terrain has its own special features, which must be known to make the most your location, especially if you’re in a wild and unknown territory where almost every danger is a life-threatening one. 

The “Terrain” card contains information obtained from Achab’s Holovisor, as well as instructions on positioning and any special rules of the terrain. The information contained in the expressions of love etched into the boulders by the Spriggans, for the Witches, unfortunately has not been decoded and is stored in the archives of the Genesis.  

From the dense, sweltering forests of Primaevus V, we move to the cold and desolate plains of Silicio. This is not a world paved in steel and copper, in fact a good part of the surface is made of thick layers of slippery ice, which is hard as metal. If any creatures below happen to wink at you, just ignore them and keep moving... best not to ask questions. And if you happen to think that it’s only the inhabitants of this world that are cold, hard-and-fast and dangerous... well, you might have to take a minute to reconsider. 

One of the most common and deceitful hidden dangers of this icy planet are the “Icy Terrains”. In fact, as soon as a Hero moves onto one of the icy squares, they are forced to automatically move one more square in the same direction. The efforts of the Settlers to keep their balance on this slippery surface forces them to pay one AP for the obligatory movement they were forced to make. Once the issue of their movement has been resolved, a consequence of their slipping, should the Hero abandon the icy terrain, they will continue to move as normal. Otherwise, if they move towards another icy square, they will have to make another forced move in the selected direction and of course spend another AP.

The next SG is on the horizon and rumour has it that a big white demon has been spotted near “Trident sector“. This monstrous creature was the first to suffer Achab’s harsh attacks, but has since recovered and is now seeking revenge. This mission will give you the possibility to confront a new Hunt mission while exploring Primaevus V, an idea that was born following some tips received by our backers and dedicated to Rognon Gabriel, with all hearts. We’ll reveal more about this mission in the next update.

 As usual a spoiler...


Stay tuned and spread the word!

almost 7 years ago – Tue, May 23, 2017 at 10:42:19 PM

By now you've no doubt understood that the BWs are hiding much more than a new playable Hero. 

Alfa has been unlocked, but as we all know, for every Alfa there’s always an Omega... but you’ll need to wait for the SGs to reunite these twins before we can reveal everything about them. 


What we can tell you is that there will be two very special heroes with unique and super-fun mechanics (but not easy to manage, you can be sure of that)!  

Today we’ll also talk about crafting, giving you some extra information about this important aspect of the phase between missions.  

Its function is strictly linked to the Primaevus V map zones. In fact, each territory you conquer will provide you with a certain number of Raw Materials that will be collected at the start of each Colony Phase. 

These raw materials can then be used to create new equipment items for heroes, or to upgrade existing ones. You don’t need us to tell you how important it is to have up-to-date equipment as the campaign progresses.  

After collecting the necessary materials, one of the heroes will need to visit Isaac in his workshop and commission the construction of new gadgets. There is a very tight connection between available raw materials and Primaevus V territories. 

You’ll need to choose which territories to conquer based on the equipment you’d like to upgrade. This will make the Colony Phase even more strategic.  

This system will be quick and rewarding, and will allow better planning of your movements on Primaevus V.

And a spoiler...

Stay tuned and spread the word!